Kids Protective Style & Natural Products | Condition+Detangle+Define Curls

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When you wash and style your child’s coily or curly hair, things like conditioning, detangling, defining curls and the right protective hairstyles are essential.

Learning these are a “must ” for natural healthy and beautiful hair.

I’ve been learning for years and I’m still learning.

I’ll be sharing details about the products I used to detangle and style my daughter’s hair along with how I felt about the results of each ingredient.

For this protective style I used 4 products:

  1. water
  2. Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Coconut Curling Cream
  3. Curly Kids Super Detangle Spray
  4. Kinky Curly Knot Today Natural Leave-In Detangler

The products are listed above based on the amount I used. The ingredients listed first were used the most.

The 2 main ingredients I used were water and Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream.

Washing & Prepping

Before styling my daughter’s hair, I washed and placed it in 4 sections, then detangled it. I know everyone has a different method of applying products and detangling after shampooing, but this is the particular order that worked for me.

There is one thing I want to mention before I go on — It had been a while since the last time I washed her hair.

In the winter my daughter got the flu, not just once, but twice.

I wanted to wait until she was better before I washed and restyled her hair.

We went a bit longer than normal before giving her a good shampoo and a new hairdo again.

With that said, her hair was tangled. Too tangled.

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Immediately after washing it, I placed it in 4 sections. But, about a day or 2 later I added a fifth section (as you can see in the photos) to switch up the style and do a little further detangling.

Before and after separating her hair into each part I used a spray bottle filled with water. I always have a spray bottle of water to use as a staple hair tool.

We use this daily.

The last bottle we had started to go downhill and eventually stopped spraying.

Having a new bottle that gave out more than just a small squirt was a reminder to me of how invaluable this inexpensive little hair tool really is.

We waited way too long to replace it. 😐

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First, I sprayed her hair with water for hydration and to help detangle it. I usually spray her hair as needed throughout the styling process.

Applying Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream

Then, I applied a generous amount of Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream to each section of her hair.

But, I was careful not to go overboard with it since there was just enough Cantu Curling Cream left to barely cover each section of hair on her head.

I love the way this cream smells — so fruity and vibrant!

It did soften her hair, but I’m not sure if it helped to untangle it.

Curly Kids Super Detangle Spray

Since the Curly Kids Detangler comes is a small bottle I didn’t want to use too much, but I also wanted to be sure I was using enough for it to do the job of removing the tangles.

I didn’t sense that the Curly Kids Super Detangle Spray was making it any easier to comb through my little girl’s hair.

I’m not sure how well it worked to loosen up those tangles, but I also kept in mind that my daughter’s hair is thick and may have required a little more work at untangling this particular time.

Kinky Curly Knot Today is one of my FAVORITE natural leave-in detanglers.

Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In Detangler was the last product I used.

I didn’t use a lot. I rubbed a small amount of it over the front sections of her hair.

Although I didn’t use a lot it did make a noticeable difference. The texture of her hair became silky and easier to comb through, as expected.

Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In Detangler is one of my favorite hair detangling products for these 2 reasons!

Our hair becomes sleek and easier to comb through after using it.

I just wished Kinky Curly offered a bigger bottle at an affordable cost because both of my daughters and I have thick hair.

One of us could probably use up a whole bottle at one time, especially if wearing a naturally curly hairstyle.

However, Extra Virgin olive oil is my favorite natural hair detangler to this day. If you want to find out why you can read about it in My Favorite Natural Hair Detangler — 1 Ingredient + Affordable.

Here are the 4 important pointers from my personal experience using each product:

  1. Water is a must-have for me to moisturize, hydrate, and soften hair
  2. Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream also helped to soften and condition hair, plus smells great
  3. Curly Kids Super Detangler may work better on hair less tangled, plus comes in a small bottle so use sparingly
  4. Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In Detangler worked great to detangle hair and define curls, but the bottle it comes in isn’t exactly family size.

So if you have a family, thick hair, or a family with thick hair use moderately or purchase more than one bottle.

Overall, I was satisfied with the outcome of my daughter’s hair. Her hair was soft, tangle-free, and moisturized in the end.

Hope this information brought you a little closer to finding the right natural products to use in your kid’s hair routine!

What are your favorite natural products to use to detangle, style, and define your kid’s curls? Share in the comments below!

Please share this information if you found it helpful or know someone who will. Thanks and much love!

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