Benefits Of Natural Vitamin C Supplements For Immune Health


In a time with such great concern about a global pandemic, one of the most important things we can do is find ways to build our immune health.

Since I was a child I’ve heard about the benefits of vitamin C when it came to resisting sicknesses like a cold or flu. But, I never really thought past drinking orange juice or eating fruit, like oranges, to get my daily serving of vitamin C.

Until recently.

A few months ago I started taking raw vitamin C supplements. And I’m so glad I did!

Taking raw vitamin C supplements is one of the best choices I’ve made so far to help boost my immune health.

If you want to take steps to build your immune system then this may be one of the best choices you can make too, and I’ll share why.

But first, let me share with you briefly the meaning of raw vitamin C.

What is raw vitamin C?

The word “raw” means that the supplement has not been heated to a high temperature that will negatively impact the nutrition of the food.

Raw vitamin C is made with whole-foods, unlike synthetic vitamins, which are made using unnatural ingredients.

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Is wholefood vitamin C better than synthetic vitamin C?

Our bodies may absorb the nutrients in raw or natural vitamins better than the nutrients found in synthetic vitamins.

Also, there is a possibility that if you’re using a synthetic form of vitamin C it could be made using GMO corn.

However, there seems to be mixed information and studies on the impact and health benefits of taking synthetic supplements.

How does vitamin C help boost your immune health?

Vitamin C is very beneficial to our immune health.

There were studies done by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1999 showing that vitamin C in high doses relieves and prevents cold and flu symptoms.

Other studies show that getting enough vitamin C daily can help to improve respiratory health.

Vitamin C has also been proven to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and help with iron absorption.

It can work against harm done to our bodies from smoking cigarettes or secondhand smoke, air pollution, and the sun. Vitamin C may also assist those with kidney disease.

This powerful nutrient also helps our bodies to absorb trace minerals and other nutrients in general.

What’s the best way to get vitamin C daily?

fruits_vegetables_high_vitamin c_wholefoods

Ultimately, the best way to be sure we’re getting enough vitamin C is to eat enough whole-foods that are a good source of this nutrient.

The best way is to eat fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C.

But, sometimes that’s not always easy.

We may not always have access to fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C.

And, if our fruits and vegetables are grown in soil with low vitamin content then the nutrient level found in these whole-foods may not be enough to meet our daily recommended requirements.

Plus, our bodies don’t make vitamin C.

So, if we’re not getting enough of it in our diets then supplements become very helpful.

Like in my case.

Vitamin C is just one of the nutrients I’m sure I wasn’t getting enough of.

When the cold weather season hit I knew it would be wise to start taking supplements. Not any kind of supplement though — whole-food immune building vitamins.

That’s exactly what I did.

I started taking Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C made by Garden of Life to help boost my immune health.

Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C has done an impressive job enhancing and protecting my immune system.

vitamin code raw vitamin c natural supplement immune health

I know the Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C is a huge reason my immune system has been safely guarded from any flu or cold virus.

I took my first vitamin C supplement on the same day that my kids and I came down with the flu. I mean, just hours before coming down with the flu.

Interesting right?

So that was a bit too late to prevent any virus from attacking.

But, strangely my kids ended up with a second wave of the flu shortly after they recovered from their first occurrence. 🙁 That has NEVER happened before.

I, on the other hand, did not. 🙂 Even when I felt the onset of cold symptoms, (like coughing, sneezing, etc.) a cold or flu never fully set in. The symptoms never worsened and eventually diminished shortly after.

Thank God!

Even while surrounded by kids (of my own and other relatives) with high temperatures and runny noses who coughed, sneezed, and regurgitated I didn’t become fully infected a second time by their viruses.

Should you take raw vitamin C supplements?

I’m not a doctor or physician. I’m only sharing my personal experience and the benefits I’ve gained from including natural or raw vitamin C in my daily routine.

Talk to a well-educated health professional about it and see if it’s a good idea for you and your current health needs.

If you’re sure there is no harm in taking natural vitamin C supplements then I would highly encourage you to try Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C or another great whole-food brand.

I can only tell you about the success I’ve had using the Garden of Life brand because it’s the only product I’ve used.

You might benefit from it too.

Are you going to include a natural vitamin C supplement or Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C as part of your daily routine?

Share in the comments below!

And if you found this post helpful please share so we can spread great health around the world. 🙂


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